Manchester, TN. Middle of nowhere. 30 minute drive to the hotel after a 20 minute hike back out to the car. We set the booth on a hill under an old oak tree. We had to figure out how to get it level on the soft ground, which provided us some challenges to getting the elements right. Then we had to make regular trips in a golf cart to the concessionaire to pick up and chill our samples.
While the set/strike parameters at Bonnaroo are very different from Governor’s Ball, there was one major difference. The grounds never close. Since we couldn’t run our experience 24 hours a day, we had to figure out a way to keep attendees off it overnight. We had some success, but not much. And we worked out a really cool color-changing LED light experience for folks who wanted to just sit and watch the booth change colors throughout the night.
This event was super fun. We had heat and humidity, a major rain event, massive amounts of sunscreen and bug spray, and I tossed my shoes in the bin at the end of the week. They were never going to be clean again.